We are pleased to announce an easy way to quickly access the latest openfunds field definitions via static URLs. For example, if you would like to link to the openfunds field description for “OFST160100 Legal Form”, just use the following hyperlink:
To display any field definition, simply type the openfunds.org URL (http://openfunds.org) followed by a slash and the field data-ID (without spaces). These links are static, and will always display the latest versions of the openfunds field definitions. Feel free to incorporate these links into your own documentation, communications, website or intranet!
As we approach the release of openfunds v1.0 soon, we will strive to keep you continuously informed of all news, developments and improvements. Our goal is to establish openfunds as the de facto standard for the automated transfer, dissemination and validation of fund data on a global basis. The complete openfunds fields list and corresponding changelogs can be found in the Fields section of this website. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@openfunds.org