General Notes
Version 1.00 [FINAL] is very similar to Version 1.00 [DRAFT] that was published in April 2016. Version 1.0 [FINAL] includes no “no longer supported” fields as these were eliminated with the major release to version 1.0. A list of these fields can be found in the sections below. More information about major and minor releases can be read in the White Paper “Version Management”.
Major Field Changes
Action required. Typically fields that are no longer supported.
- OFST451200 Redemption Charge In Favour Of Fund. // No longer supported. Please use OFST451440 Redemption Fee In Favour Of Fund instead//
- OFST160100 Legal Form. Changed value “Other” to “other”
Minor Field Changes
Action not necessarily required, i.e. whether an action is required depends on the implementation of openfunds. Typical examples are field name changes or enhancements implemented in the openfunds standard, i.e. the language tag functionality.
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Informative Field Changes
No action required. Typically changes in field descriptions in order to clarify the use or the meaning of an openfunds field.
Changed Descriptions or Examples with the following fields:
- OFST010020 Legal Fund Name Including Umbrella
- OFST010500 Fund Of Funds
- OFST010580 Is ETF
- OFST010640 Has 130/30 Strategy
- OFST010660 Is ETC
- OFST010720 Is Passive Fund
- OFST010901 Replication Methodology Second Level
- OFST011100 Has Swap
- OFST020262 Share Class NAV Hedge
- OFST020620 Is Restricted To Separate Fee Arrangement
- OFST020625 Has Forced Redemption
- OFST062010 Listing Currency
- OFST160039 Is EU Directive Relevant
- OFST405510 Subscription Notice Period
- OFST410700 Settlement Period For Subscription
- OFST420260 Minimal Subsequent Redemption In Amount
- OFST425550 Redemption Notice Period
- OFST430050 Redemptions Trade Date (nls)
- OFST430150 Settlement Period For Redemption
- OFST451020 Performance Fee Applied
- OFST451030 Performance Fee Maximum
- OFST451310 Subscription Fee Minimum
- OFST451380 Germany Front Load
- OFST451410 Redemption Fee Minimum
- OFST452015 All-in Fee Maximum
- OFST452017 All-in Fee Applied
- OFST6011XX Country Deregistration Date
- OFST6020XX Country Distribution Start Date
- OFST6030XX Country Legal Registration
- OSFT6031XX Country Marketing Distribution
- OFST802000 German Tax Category
- OFST802500 Has Reduced Luxembourg Taxe d’Abonnement
- OFST809250 Is Flow-Through Entity By US Tax Law
Reminder: The following “no longer supported fields” were already eliminated moving from version 0.94 (Beta) to version 1.00 [DRAFT]
- OFST004100 Has Swiss Representative. Please use instead: OFST6100CH Has Country Representative
- OFST004110 Swiss Representative Name. Please use instead: OFST6102CH Country Representative Name
- OFST004150 Has Swiss Paying Agent. Please use instead: OFST6105CH Has Country Paying Agent
- OFST004160 Swiss Paying Agent Name. Please use instead: OFST6107CH Country Paying Agent Name
- OFST010130 Fund Name In Chinese. Please use instead: OFST010110 Legal Fund Name Only plus language tag, e.g. OFST010110(zh-Hant)
- OFST020150 Share Class Investor Type. Please use instead: OFST802500 Reduced Luxembourg Taxe d’Abonnement or OFST6030XX Country Legal Registration plus OFST6031XX Country Marketing Distribution
- OFST020260 Has Share Class Currency Hedging. Please use instead: OFST020262 Share Class NAV Hedge
- OFST020270 Share Class Currency Hedging. Please use instead: OFST020262 Share Class NAV Hedge or OFST010210 Portfolio Currency Hedge
- OFST020570 Inception NAV as this value can be deducted from the dynamic data NAV time series
- OFST023550 Distributions Declaration Frequency. Please use instead: OFST023551 Frequency Of Distribution Declaration
- OFST160050 UCITS. Please use instead: OFST160040 Type Of EU Directive
- OFST160200 Swiss Legal Status. Please use instead: OFST160150 Home Country Legal Type Of Fund
- OFST401000 Valuation Basis. Please use instead: OFST401002 Pricing Methodology and OFST401003 Single Pricing Type
- OFST405050 Subscription Frequency. Please use instead: OFST405051 Frequency Of Subscription
- OFST410050 Subscriptions Trade Date (nls). Please use instead: OFST405510 Subscription Notice Period
- OFST420550 Redemption Frequency. Please use instead: OFST420551 Frequency Of Redemption
- OFST430050 Redemptions Trade Date (nls). Please use instead: OFST405510 Subscription Notice Period
- OFST453150 Has Trailer Fee. Please use instead: OFST453151 Is Trailer Fee Clean
- OFST700000 Sales Registration In Other Countries (3 Letters). Please use instead: OFST6030XX Legal Registration
- OFST700010 Sales Registration In Other Countries (2 Letters). Please use instead: OFST6030XX Legal Registration
- OFST700600 Singapore Registration (MAS Type). Please use instead: OFST160150 Home Country Legal Type Of Fund and OFST6050SG Country Specific Registration Type Singapore
- OFST801010 Austrian Tax Status. Please use instead: OFST801011 Is Austrian Tax Reporting Fund
- OFST808000 Swiss Tax Reporting. Please use instead: OFST808008 Has Swiss Tax Reporting
- OFST809000 UK Reporting Status. Please use instead: OFST809015 Has UK Reporting Status