The next planned version of openfunds will be version 2.11 of openfunds. This will be released in Q1 2025 and be a general updates version, alongside some changes from recent regulatory updayes. A list of fields already planned to be included in the next version is as follows. These fields may be used by members in advance of official publication, with the caveat that they are not yet finalised:
New fields
- OFCA000005 Corporate Action Level
- Values: “Umbrella” / “Fund” / “Share Class”
- Definition: A field to indicate the hierarchical level on which the action has occurred. This can be used to show that the action applies at a higher level than the ID supplied, but should not be used in the reverse context. For example, the value “Umbrella” could be used here alongside a value in OFCA000080 Corporate Action Share Class ISIN to indicate that the action applies to all share classes within the umbrella that the given share class belongs to. This cannot be used in reverse, stating “Share Class” but giving a fund or umbrella ID in OFCA000060 Corporate Action Umbrella LEI or OFCA000070 Corporate Action Fund LEI, as it would not be clear to which share class the action applied. For best clarity, all identifiers affected by the action should be given.
- OFPH000450 Holding Number of Shares – Data Type to be amended from “integer” to “double” to reflect possibility of non-integer decimal values.
- OFST010280 Name of the Series Issued – Data Type corrected from “integer” to “string”. Field level corrected from “Fund” to “Share Class”
No longer supported fields
- OFST160045 Is Structured Finance Product – proposed to be moved to “No longer supported” as it only references EMT and is superfluous to that template
EET v1.1.3
A new version of the FinDatEx European ESG Template (EET) has been published, v1.1.3. Minor changes have been made to some fields, with a major change made to one field that necessitates the creation of a new corresponding openfunds field (due to a change in data type). Full details of the template changes can be found at FinDatEx. The changes made to openfunds fields will be as follows:
New fields
- OFEE400001 EET Financial Instrument Existing Screening Strategy – This field will still be mapped to the same EET field 40000_Financial_Instrument_Existing_Negative_Screening_Strategy as OFEE400000 was, but the new openfunds field name will change to more accurately reflect the description of the v1.1.3 version of the field.
- Values: “Y” / “N” / “P” / “C” / “A” / “T” / “Z” (formerly yes/no only)
- Description (changed portions italicised): Does the financial instrument use a negative screening or a standard screening strategy? Yes / No / PAB / CTB / PAB+ / CTB+ / Z
- OFEE204000 EET Financial Instrument EU SFDR Minimum Or Planned Investments With Environmental Or Social Characteristics – minor change to description
- OFEE204200 EET Financial Instrument EU SFDR Minimum Or Planned Investments Sustainable – minor change to description
- OFEE900400 EET Financial Instrument Minimum Percentage Investments Aligned EU Taxonomy Nuclear Incl Sovereign Bonds – minor change to description
- OFEE900500 EET Financial Instrument Minimum Percentage Investments Aligned EU Taxonomy Nuclear Excl Sovereign Bonds – minor change to description
No longer supported fields
- OFEE400000 EET Financial Instrument Existing Negative Screening Strategy – no longer supported. The meaning and content of this field have been changed significantly, though the FinDatEx field will remain with the same name. openfunds fields may not change data type so the existing (yes/no) field will be retired and replaced with a new (string) field.
No change
- OFEE200600 EET Financial Instrument ESG Label Or Standard – no change. The list of allowed values has been extended so additional values will be allowed here, but no change will be made to the openfunds fields as the allowed values were already open.