Current Version

The current version of openfunds is v2.1.0, released 15-10-2024, containing various updates.

Information about future planned but not yet released changes can be found under Next Version. An overview of the longer-term outlook for openfunds can be found under Roadmap.

openfunds v2.1.0Changelog Excel

No Longer Supported Fields – as of Version 2.1.0

All no longer supported openfunds fields as of version 2.1.0
PDF Excel

Further Information

This version contains updates to various different sections of the field set. The largest changes in this version are:

  • Addition of corporate actions reporting (OFCA) and corporate actions-related fields in OFST and OFDY, resulting from the corporate actions working group;
  • Addition of and amendments to some portfolio holdings (OFPH) and fund ratios and exposures (OFRE) fields, resulting from the OFRE/OFPH alignment working group;
  • New field requests from members.