OF-ID OFST010020
Field Name Legal Fund Name Including Umbrella
Field Tags Essential
Field Level Fund Link Reference
Data Type string Introduced with version 0.86
Description Legal name of the collective investment scheme as mentioned in official documents (i.e. prospectus). If the fund belongs to an umbrella, the name of the umbrella must be included, too. Umbrella and sub-fund's name should be separated by " - ", i.e. "blank" (ASCII 32) "dash" (ASCII 45) "blank" (ASCII 32). In combination with the fund's domicile (OFST010010 Fund Domicile Alpha-2) the Legal Fund Name should be unique in order to avoid mix-ups in cases where no identifier like an ISIN is available. This field's OF-ID can also include a language tag, i.e. OFST010020(zh-Hant) for Legal Fund Name Including Umbrella written in traditional Chinese. For more information please refer to https://www.openfunds.org/en/language-tags.
Values Fund name as mentioned in the prospectus including umbrella's name.